3rd Trimester

*August Beach Babies Monday check-in*

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Hello Ladies! This is a check-in for Nesties with a due date in the month of August. If you would like to be added, please post your name and EDD. Also, if you want anything changed, please post your EDD along with your new info so it's easier to find your name on the list. Check-ins will be every Monday, Wednesday and Friday before 8am. Feel free to check-in any time that day. Give us a general update on your progress and anything else you want to add!! We will have a question of the day as well. There will also be a link to the check-in sometime after 4pm on M, W & F. 
Try this code for an August Beach Umbrella ticker and take out the * : <*a href="https://s16.photobucket.com/albums/b41/dalejrbudgirl/?action=view&current=DueAugBeach.gif" target="_blank"><img src="https://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b41/dalejrbudgirl/DueAugBeach.gif" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a*>
Total Beach Babies: 473
Boys: 217
Girls: 182
Surprises: 74
Sets of Twins: 9!!! 
Most Popular Due Date: August 17th 
Monday QOTD: How do you feel about your mother/MIL taking care of the LO? Will you leave baby with them? At what age?
Wednesday QOTD: At what age are you planning on introducing rice cereal to baby? 
Friday QOTD: Who is still left??? LOL?we are running out of August days?I will stop posting the check-ins on Sept 4th b/c im going back to work on the 7th. GL to all!!!
-Any other news or progress?
August 1 (11) August 17 (29)
beccag517-Andrew, 8/3  AlliLou
carolina_georgia anklassen
johnsoar (July 31) AshNicole331
KC*luvs*RJ Augbaby2009
LacyLyn bensuswed
Leperfish2 brads_bride
MelTaylor Breezer80
Oscarkat CariannelovesTim
SCBride2007- Norah, 7/16 Ckeeton
SWB110307- Ryan, 7/28 cmdelpizzo
tneromills329 jaxgev
August 2 (14) kenziegirl
aniceucchik- Jacob, 7/23 kkenner
JacquiD03-14-2008 Ladynikon
JnicMTek-Alexandra, 8/7 laf82005
JuneBug2007 marci368
Kateaud MoochJones
kenitaw248 MrsBenke2B
KristensMom314 mrscallalily
Lisa523 mrsdc701
Mary and Dave-Caleb, 7/22 par3
mom713 pmdtcnj
mrsDinMarch07 rocknrollmommy
msngrl2008 samimax TWINS
Partyof5 sprice88
sambapati Tablefor3
August 3 (9) yellowsnow
aler22 (July 29)
amarie29 August 18 (19)
aroberts7106 Angelene&Jon
babynurse08 babsrut
BCLong21 BeanieWeanie
clpeters7836 Blackvelvet
dggirl24 BuddhaKitty
Sophie888- 7/31 Carrie50
Sweetheart18- Katherine, 7/3 CaseyJo
August 4 (13) dkassebaum13
evhamm KitKat307
iamsmalls MrsAAK
JamRy Mrsmel
katJude pbgirl423
luckiestgrlnco Rachel&Joe
oohlalagir RugbyBride
sarcole530 SafetyWife07
Shauna060708 Stella's_PUMPED
smo522 tribe99
T&BMay142005-Claire, 8/7 August 19 (15)
Theweathermanswife- Luke 7/10 anaiyost
zsmommy-8/12 Cass&Derek
August 5 (21) EnglishS
babes12- Wyatt 6/13, angel on 6/14 iluvtom
bellekk kellim
Ceb0405 Mae2oo4
ChrissyK88 margeincharge2
Ciara_d04 mfransdell
ExpectantSteelerFan-Jackson, 7/31 mrsmt
happi2be NillaOK
HeatherandRay sarahalyse
jlynnr87 sammiekc
Junebug05 thequeenbee
KristieMarie21 wendybnola

Jacob Alexander 7/23/09
Allergic to Dairy, Eggs and Peanuts Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Jameson Adam 6/1/11
Allergic to Peas...so far Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: *August Beach Babies Monday check-in*

  • I'm still here. :)  No progress from last week.


  • Monday QOTD: How do you feel about your mother/MIL taking care of the LO? Will you leave baby with them? At what age?

     I have no concerns about either my mom or MIL taking care of LO at really any age.  My only concern about leaving LO with anyone is feeding.... so once we get breastfeeding/pumping on a schedule and I'd be able to leave LO for an hour or two, I'd jump at the chance!  Unfortunately, my mom lives about 2.5 hours away, and my MIL lives 16 hours away.

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I lucked out with my MIL, and my mom and I have always been close, esp. since I outgrew that teenage-young adult-angst stage. I absolutely trust both of them with my baby, and plan on letting them keep him as soon as they'd like. I know the first 2-4 weeks I really won't be able to give him up much b/c I will be demand feeding until we both get the hang of the boobies, but once we're on a set feeding schedule, my doors are wide open.

    And, while we're all here, is there anyone more freaking overdue than me now?

    Um, yeah. The Bump be too crazy for pics of my kid.
  • I'm starting to think this little girl is going to be a Sept baby instead of an Aug baby...but I'm still hoping.

    I have a growth ultrasound scheduled to see if she is too big to come down like my OB seems to think (I think she is just a fine size....shes been measuring on track at both my 20 wk and 34 wk u/s) But I figure it will give me something to do this afternoon and I get to take a look at LO.

    I'm fine with MIL watching LO...so long as she is not cooking! (Sorry that was mean...but cooking is not her forte!) At the end of october through mid november the 2 grandmas will be splitting the month watching her because DH and I both need to work then.

  • Monday QOTD: How do you feel about your mother/MIL taking care of the LO? Will you leave baby with them? At what age?

    My mom will be a big help with LO. I trust her more than I trust myself. I'm very comfortable with the baby staying with her. She bought everything a baby would need for when he visits.

    As for MIL, I feel the complete opposite. She is DH stepmom (his mom has passed). She has no children of her own and I don't think she would be comfortable with LO until he is around 3 years old.  

    IT"S MY EDD!!!

  • Still here with no change from last week.

    MQOTD: I trust my MIL and Mom both to be great with Jacob. I will leave him with them whenever they feel they are ready to take care of him by themselves even if its just long enough for me to take a relaxing bath or run some errands.


    Pregnancy Ticker

  • My mother will be watching the baby when I go back to work. 

    Not sure how I feel about my MIL watching the baby.  I trust her to take good care of him but her house is really dirty, so it would have to be at my house.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I was 3cm and 50% at my first internal last Thursday.  Had some bloody show and tons+tons of BH this weekend ~ fingers crossed for the real deal soon!

    QOTD: I don't worry about my mom at all, I know she'll be great with LO.  She'll be staying with us after the birth.

    My MIL, not so much.  Their house is disgusting and they can barely take care of themselves.  But we'll see how things go.

    CafeMom Tickers
    CafeMom Tickers
  • Still here and feeling craptastic.

    My mom will be a big help with the baby. I worry about leaving her alone with him sometimes just cause she's a little flighty but I suppose I turned out okay right? My mother in law will be good with teh baby but won't see him as much because she works a lot. 


    Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
    Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

    ~DS Born! 2009~
    ~DD Born! 2013~
    ~DD due! 2015~

  • Monday QOTD: How do you feel about your mother/MIL taking care of the LO? Will you leave baby with them? At what age?

    We experience this with DD and my mom will not be watching LO, either one. I'd rather have them in daycare. It's much more work for me to try and get DD back on track with time outs and behaving once she comes back from grandma's house even if it's only for a few hours.

    DD will be going to preschool and LO will be going to day care for 3 hours a day M-F. It's a much better trade off than what we were going through.

    PG wise....i'm still here. No baby yet. Due date of August 22nd has come and gone and  Aden Christopher is being stubborn. DD was 3 days late, so i'm hoping that he's only 3 days late as well. I have a dr's appt tomorrow, so we'll see what she says. She had talked about inducing me at last weeks appt. She said we could do it tomorrow or wait until 41 weeks, which is Saturday. I just want him out! :)

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