3rd Trimester

Insomnia :(

This is my 3rd night in a row of insomnia. Normally I have no problems falling asleep or staying asleep.But the last three nights I can't get comfortable and I'm just not tired enough....but my BODY is tired!

I crawled into bed at 9:30 tonight, read for a little bit and shut out the lights at ten thirty. I gave up sleep after an hour so am in my living room now, just praying this doesn't last until the baby comes. Last night I was up till 2am and I really hope that doesn't happen tonight.

I need sleep!

Any words of comfort, ladies? Any wisdom to offer me? I've tried laying in the dark, I've gotten up to pee numerous times. Last night I had a snack (okay, two) and kept my mind occupied too. Nothing helped me :(

Loss #1 2008, Loss #2 2010, Loss #3 2011, Loss #4 2012, Loss #5 2012
Loss #6 2014 Loss #7 (chemical) 2014

~DS Born! 2009~
~DD Born! 2013~
~DD due! 2015~

Re: Insomnia :(

  • Tell your doctor.  I mentioned to my doctor how I can't stay asleep.  And he said that he couldn't do anything since I have no problems falling asleep.  But he told me to come to him if I can't fall asleep and he could help with that.

    I have no idea what his idea of "help" is, but you could always ask your Doctor and find out.

    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • I'm no help. Tomorrow's my first official day back at school (w/out the kids, so I just have to pretend to be functional!) and I've been sick the past 4 days... I think I'm all slept out, because here I am, unable to convince myself I'm tired and need to go to bed. My mind is just racing too much. Have a glass of milk and a warm turkey and cheese sandwich- maybe the triptophan (sp?) will help you nod off to dreamland!
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  • I'm sorry.  Try a Tylenol PM!  They've helped me.  :)

    • DD1: August 2009
    • DD2: December 2010
    • DS: August 2012
    • M/C 9/2013, 12/2013 
    • DD3: October 2014 - April 2015 Miss you baby girl.
    • Current Due date:  April 14, 2016
    Musings of a Farmer's Wife
  • Try a Tylenol PM or Unisom...Ive dealt with insomnia for almost ten years now and pregnancy has only made it worse, but I owe my being able to fall asleep to those  medicines. 
  • I've been the same way for the past three nights. I don't know what it is. It's really not good when you have to be to work for 7:30AM. I think im going to have to work from home 2morrow. This is crazy. I only have a few more weeks until my lil guy arrives. I need as much sleep as possible. I guess I'll give the Tylenol PM a try.
  • I'm the same way :( I just cannot sleep. My H jokes that I'm already getting on baby time... I am awake most of the night and then take random naps. I probably get enough sleep hours wise, it's just weird not getting it all at once.

    My OB said I could take benedryl (or unisom- same ingredient), but it doesn't work for me AT ALL. So, I just sit here awake :) I troll the internet, lol

  • I've been dealing with the same. I get to bed and fall asleep relatively easily, but then wake up after 2 hours, usually to pee. and then i'm up for HOURS. I can usually nap during the day (early in the day) but nighttime is making me nuts. i think i'm getting on baby time too. Baby will be here VERY soon!
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