3rd Trimester

So *I* am not interested

in the sex.

However, I get my feelings hurt that my husband does not seem interested in the sex. 

Hypocrisy - I has it. 

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Re: So *I* am not interested

  • Heh, I'm the same way. 
  • sgrlsgrl member
    Must be a Knoxville thing. LOL Stick out tongue
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  • well i just said we had some rough times, so be glad he is not being a jerk about it. My husband has lighten up, but it took tons of sleepless nights for him to get that way. he was listening to everything his friends were saying, like you are going to get so much sex.And he is a man. but i am learning every women is different.....
  • Haha.  FI was just laughing as he hijacked the laptop for his fantasy draft this evening.  Last year's draft was terrible for him because I was feeling frisky and kept.... ahem.... "distracting" him and making him miss his turn to pick.  This year I relegated him to the end of the couch and told him not to bother me as I ate my pizza and watched True Blood. 

    Pregnancy has not done wonders for my libido.

  • I'm glad I'm not the only one like this... I have not felt sexy or in the mood pretty much my whole pregnancy.
  • sgrlsgrl member

    well i just said we had some rough times, so be glad he is not being a jerk about it. My husband has lighten up, but it took tons of sleepless nights for him to get that way. he was listening to everything his friends were saying, like you are going to get so much sex.And he is a man. but i am learning every women is different.....

    I'm sorry that you guys have been having a rough time - we have struggled with mismatched libidos in the past and I know too well that it can be a real drain on your relationship. In the past, however, I was the one with the higher drive and it's really hard not to take it personally when your spouse is not as interested as you are (which is probably why I want the ego stroking of his being interested even when I'm not!) So I can get where your hubby is coming from - part of his jerky behavior may be hurt feelings. It doesn't make it ok for him to act like a jerk to you, but some reassurance from you that it's not anything personal may go a long way. Good luck! 

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  • Ha! Hypocrisy is right. I find it funny...sorry if this is inappropriate, but it sounds like something I'd say myself!
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  • my DH and I have been having a laugh about it lately.  I was always in the mood before pregnancy and he was working a ton and just too tired.  Now that I'm pregnant, I've lost all of that and DH is like how I was.  We've completely switched and we can't help but laugh.  I think that if you can find other things for the time being to satisfy what sex did for you before pregnancy everything will be fine.  I'm glad DH is understanding, and it IS nice for him to always be wanting me and I can finally say no!!! :)
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