Georgia Babies


It was me!  I had the morning off so I took Millie for a demo class.  We tried to get in for the fall session but were wait-listed.  I haven't heard from them so I guess we didn't get in.  Hopefully we can get in during the winter session. 

Do you live in the area?  

Re: **care99**

  • I thought so b/c I thought you lived in the area and Millie is not a name you hear all the time.  We live over in Grant Park and are members of the Glenwood Park pool, so we're there alot.  I was the big preggo girl and our nanny was with us since she'll be bringing Colin.  We're taking a break from Gymboree and I love that it's so close.  Hopefully you guys get in!

  • Sweet!  I am in East Atlanta so that place is walking distance from me.  I am going to try for the winter session since apparently I didn't get in for the fall.  I also love that it's so close!
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