I have this probably one or two times a week where I just get upset about losing our life as "the two of us". I feel like we will never have any private time again or we won't be able to just be "us" again. I worry we will grow apart.
I know it's stupid, but I just do.
Re: Anyone else get sad about the LO at times?
Yes...as it is, we are already spending less time with one another. We are going to have to get away, one weekend before the baby gets here.
BTW DH has teenage kids, but its different...they tend to do their own thing and once in a while they will come out with us. The baby will need our sole attention for a long time.
I know what you mean....most of the time, I couldn't be more excited about the changes in store. But every once in a while, the gravity of it all sinks in, and I get a little pang of sadness for the life we're saying goodbye to.
I think this is a pretty normal fear. Having a baby is a HUGE change and its normal to have some anxiety over that.
I will say, though, that as long as you WANT to have that alone time, you will be able to. Maybe it won't be as much time as before, but you'll cherish it that much more. Your relationship will definitely change, but not necessarily in a bad way.
For me, the first few months after DD came were so hard on our relationship (it didn't help that we were building a house and DH was gone A LOT). Now? Our marriage is stronger than ever.
Annelise 3.22.2007 Norah 10.24.2009 Amelia 8.7.2011
I think this is what will happen with me..
Has anyone noticed that some people in this post are referring to time alone with the baby and others are referring to time alone with DH?
I read it as time away from LO, since he/she won't be in the womb anymore, and we'll have to share our baby with everyone. I think only a couple other posters read it as that ....
But yes, I do think about that sometimes. I love having him inside my belly. But I'm so excited to have him here, too!