3rd Trimester

c section (2nd time mommies)-ring cutting?

I posted this on 0-6 but I wanted to ask if any of you ladies that have had c sections before, did the hospital have to cut your wedding rings off? if so, were they ruined or were they fixable? im thinking of going to a jeweler to get mine off before delivery just in case I may have to have an emergency c section. i cannot get them off myself and i have been trying for weeks. they just wont budge. i just dont want them ruined by the hospital because im sure that their technique for getting them off isnt as "gentle" as a jewelers would be. advice?

Re: c section (2nd time mommies)-ring cutting?

  • Have you tried elevating your hand and soaking it in cold water for a few minutes, then using soap to get it off?  It has worked for me with tricky rings in the past.

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  • I would def. try to get them off before surgery, because they will cut them off.  Try oil ... like olive oil or something ...  maybe it will slip right off.  GL!
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    Have you tried elevating your hand and soaking it in cold water for a few minutes, then using soap to get it off?  It has worked for me with tricky rings in the past.

    this is how i got mine off, except after i soaked my hand in cold water i used olive oil to loosen them up and it took a few minuters but they came off

    sadly, they are safely in my jewellry box now

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  • I'd go to a jeweler and get the rings taken off now.  Aside from the possibility of emergency surgery, your hands may swell more during the final weeks of pregnancy.  If you have fluids by IV during labor (way more likely than emergency surgery - they're routine for epidural), you will likely experience even more swelling.  If the ring winds up cutting off circulation in your finger, that would be bad.
  • I don't really know why they would cut them off. Did they tell you this? I wore my wedding ring during my scheduled c/s with my first DD.  I was under the impression that the only reason they tell you not to wear jewelry is so you don't have to worry about it being stolen.  I left my engagement ring at home just in case. But if yours won't come off, no one can steal them, right?  Though if yours are that tight they might want them off because you will likely get more swollen from all the fluids they give you during labor/c-section....

  • When FI proposed, he didn't get the ring sized, but I wanted to wear it anyhow. I put a size 7 ring on a size 9 finger.

    Needless to say, I had to get it cut off later. The jeweler only charged us $20 to do it, and it was a very clean cut that was super easy to repair. I can't even tell that it was cut, and only cost my FI a small amount to get a piece of gold melted into the back.

  • Cold water or ice work to reduce swelling.  I would try icing your hand and then running cold water over your hand with a bunch or soap to make it slippery.  I had one that was stuck and I thought it was a lost cause and I got it off this way.  It also helps to elevate the hand above the heart when icing.

    I had to have a ring cut off at the Fire Dept once.  It was a cheaper ring so we never tried to get it fixed.  I would think a jeweler would be the best option if that is necessary though.

  • I would try to get them off before the c-section (I didn't wear my rings to the hospital because of the possibility of one). Hospitals won't be so gentle with them.
    "Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies. God damn it, you've got to be kind." - Kurt Vonnegut
  • My friend recently had a scheduled c-section and they just covered her ring (she couldn't get it off). ?I would check before bothering to have it cut off.
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  • My GMIL had major surgery not that long ago and told them there was no way they were removing their rings. They said if she didn't want them off then they didn't have to remove them. I would definitely check with the hospital first before you do anything drastic.
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  • I wore my ring with my first c/s with DD and it wasn't planned and they never made me cut my ring off.  I plan on wearing my ring this time too.  I would check with your hospital!
  • I would try elevating your arm for a while.  Then get some  of that tape you you would find in the band aid aisle (my pregnant brain can't remember the name).  stick it on itself so you have a long length of unsticky tape. (hope this makes sense). Then start at the nail and tightly wrap your finger towards the ring and tuck tape under the ring.  This should push the swelling past your ring, and allow you to push the ring off with the tape.  It also works with really thick thread.  This is one nice way they have in the hospital to remove rings without cutting them.  Good Luck!
  • I put mine back on too early after having my baby last time. I was still swelling from having pre-e.

    I got it off using windex. I think I soaked my hand in windex for a while but cannot remember. There was all sorts of info online about it. It took me several painful hours....

  • it depends on the situation and the OR staff whether a ring would be cut off for surgery.  For minor procedures, I have let patients keep them on if they can't get them off, but the risk with leaving them on is cutting off cirulation to the finger in the event of swelling. at my hospital, we use a special ring cutting saw to get rings off, so it is one  clean cut that can be soldered back together after the fact. 
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  • Try windex before you have them cut off. It sounds crazy but for some reason it works.
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