3rd Trimester

Nursing Cover

Is anyone bringing a nursing cover to the hospital with them?  I am not sure if it is necessary or not. 
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Re: Nursing Cover

  • I'm not- I figure I want the LC to be able to see everything (and will probably send out everyone but her and DH when we're starting so I can concentrate)!
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  • I would just kick everyone out when you want to nurse
  • No.  If I happen to need to cover up I'll grab a cloth or blanket, but I doubt I'll need to.
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  • No, I'm not bringing anything like that but then I never bought a nursing cover either. I figure if I'm feeling modest I can use a sheet or receiving blanket.
  • imageluckyabby09:
    I would just kick everyone out when you want to nurse

    sounds good to me!

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  • I put one in the diaper bag just in case.

    ETA:  not to use in my room, but just in case we were ever to have to stop somewhere on the way home or whatnot.

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  • I wouldn't bother.  You'll still be trying to figure out nursing in general - why bother with another hindrance at the same time?  Besides, you're not exactly in a public place.
  • haha no. I've lost all modesty after the birth I had and since I started breastfeeding.  Anyone could walk in and out of my hospital room with breastfeeding or with boobs hanging out, it never occurred to me to cover up. Once you get nurses coming in all day to feel your belly and check down your pants, having a boob out really does not phase you! ;)
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