3rd Trimester

powder vs liquid detergent?

Is there really a difference for skin sensitivity ? I have never really thought about it, but we just use regular ALL liquid and I have noticed that powdered detergent is a lot cheaper, I was just wondering if it is also better for sensitive skin? DH has sensitive skin and the ALL doesn't bother him, but I've never tried anything else, when we moved in together thats what he had been using so thats just what I started buying. 

If you have had any luck with powdered detergent, what kind was it? 

Re: powder vs liquid detergent?

  • As long as your detergent is free of dyes and perfumes, I imagine it would be okay for sensitive skin whether its liquid or powder. 

    We use powder, but its always either Charlie's Soap or Crunchy Clean (both of which are all-natural and CD safe). So I'm not really any help if you are looking for stuff you can just pick up at the store.  

  • I just posted a similar question before seeing your post. ?Oops, I will probably be flamed : )
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  • Our detergent isn't free of dyes and scents. I am the worst about standing in the detergent isle smelling each brand for my favorite scent! 
  • We use liquid Tide on our clothes, and we're not planning on switching for the baby's clothes.  If your DH has sensitive skin, the switch to powder might bother him.  But I don't think it's any better or worse for sensitive skin!

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    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I use powder Crunch Clean for my CDs and Liquid for his clothes.  I don't know yet about skin sensitivity but I wouldnt' think it would make a huge difference assuming they are free of dyes, etc.
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