I"m close to 36 wks and has been having severe problems with sciatica nerve.. Last nite it was so bad that I couldn't even get out of bed or walk with out my husband helps... He had to take off work today to help me around the house... I have tried heating pad and pain med..(Tylenol).. walking around but nothing seems to help... Does anyone else been having this problem and is there anything your doing that has helped you that i could try... i'll try anything for so relief.. thanks ladies.
Re: Sciatica Nerve
I have been having this for months now. I do yoga once a week and that helps a bunch, but I'm guessing you won't be doing that. What I find helps is standing w/ your feet sholder width apart and rolling your hips in a circle for 1 minute and then go the opposite direction for another minute.
For the past week I have a sever pinch nerv in right hip socket and it is VERY painful walking and stairs suck the most. Hubby got me a cane at drug store to use to help around the house. I have a Physical therapist appointment for the first time tomorrow and may consider a chiropractor who deals with pregancy if that doesnt help considerably.
I stretch every morning and night to help with the muscle tightness and soreness from the lack of walking the past week, baths and heating pad was very brief help... other than that, I am looking for relief too!