I was hoping to do fuzzi bunz - come highly recommended from my cousin - but she didn't start them until 4 months. Are you all buying multiple sizes of fitteds? I thought it might be more cost effective to do prefolds early on when they are going through more dipes and are so little. I've read that all-in-ones can be bulky for newborns, but also that once they fit mediums they could be in that size until they are potty-trained. I am a first-timer so I could use some suggestions. thanks!
Re: CD Mommas
I don't have an aswer for you, but a ? How much do CD absorb? do they have plastic in them to prevent leakage?
just curious...
Many of the ladies on the Eco-Friendly Family board and from my research online says the first few months are best to use prefolds and liners. They may be too small the first few weeks at least for many of the fitted sizes AND you's gonna have to change them so frequently the first month... it may cost too much for your budget to stock up on fitteds CDs... but thats up to you.
I baught 3 dozen of Green Mountain prefolds for newborns, 4 Snappis, 2 dozen cloth wipes, 2 Blueberry size 1 covers and 3 Thirsties Duo Wrap Diaper Covers (small)
I did get 3 Kissaluvs Fitted diapers to use with the covers to try since they came well recommended for night time runny BF poops.
I am new to CDing as well, but have been doing some research over the last 2 months and have finished purchasing my newborn stash. Just for the new born stage (I am guessing the first 4 months or so) I have:
30 infant prefolds (7-15 lbs.)
6 newborn and infant sized covers - I bought a variety of brands to see which I would like best. I have Thirsties Duo Wrapp size 1, Bummis Super Whisper Wrap size small, Bummis Super Brite size small, Isme Visme soft cover size newborn, Polar Bummis size small and another brand I cannot remember at the moment.
4 Swaddlebees newborn fitteds
7 Bum Genius 3.0 One Size Pocket diapers - these I bought b/c they were on sale, but they do not fit most newborns so I am not counting on using them in the first 2-3 months
3 Snappis (for the prefolds)
32 cloth wipes
1 lg. and 1 sm. wet bag for the nursery and diaper bag
5 hemp doublers (for extra absorbency if needed)
I have heard that prefolds are best for newborns and that is why I am relying primarily on those at first. Once LO gets a little bigger I want to use fitteds with covers for daytime and pocket diapers for nighttime. The fitteds I have been looking at are Thirsties Fab Fitted and the pockets I am intereted in are the Bum Genius.
Right now, all I have "finalized" is my newborn stash. It includes 24 orange edge prefolds from Green Mountain Diapers (highly recommended on the EFF board), 2 snappis for said prefolds, 3 XS Thirsties fab fitteds, 3 kissaluv size 0s and 6 covers (all in XS or newborn size).
I'm just starting to look at what I want for the next size up (actually- I just posted about it on the EFF board a bit ago). We will probably look at trying SIZED all-in-ones for ease of use. (Some AIOs are sized, some are one size fits all.)
One size diapers won't fit a NB, so we're looking at prefolds, fitteds and sized AIOs (not a huge fan of the idea of pockets, but I might look into it) to get us through until he is big enough for more AIOs.
I'm not buy MUCH of the next size because I want to see what works for us and what doesn't. Different things work for different people, so you might not want to get yoru heart set on fuzzi bunz- they might not work for you like they did for your cousin. Definitely try them (they get great reviews), but I wouldn't invest ALL of your money into those before you KNOW they'll work for you either.
Nell's Natural Baby also has a trial program you could start out with. And tons of places sell used diapers to get more for your money (I bought my used KL0s from Nells)
CDs absorb a lot, but many people don't realize HOW MUCH because they don't usually wick the moisture away from baby's skin (unless there is another barrier there, like fleece), so the baby will feel the moisture more quickly than in a disposable.
There are different kinds of CDs, some of them have a waterproof layer built in and some don't. For those that don't, there are covers (that are waterproof) that would prevent leakage. With the right baby in the right diaper, leaks and blow outs are supposedly less frequent in cloth than in disposable. (I say supposedly because I have no first hand experience yet)
You might want to pick up some additional NB covers (in addition to the ones you have). Our DD was 7 lbs 15 oz at birth and just this week got into her small covers. We used Bummis Super Brites in NB (which run smaller than the Bummis Super Whisper Wrap in NB which she can still easily wear) and NB Litewraps. Both of these also have the umbilical cord cutout. The size S Bummis are pretty big still.
Also if you bought infant prefolds versus newborn prefolds you might find them bulky. If you can I'd pick up a half dozen newborn prefolds to see if you like them more -- when they are little it's hard to have that much fabric to deal with. We used our NB prefolds on DD for four weeks and now are graduating them to inserts to use with our pockets and one-size diapers.
Blog: Baby Mama's Drama