I have been miserable all week, in early labor hell since Tuesday and having to monitor my BP hourly, fun times.
When I finally went to bed last night I told myself if I woke up still pregnant, I'd make every effort to enjoy my day. Go visit with my mom and my niece, make a good stock-up trip to the grocery store, relax with the DH....
Yeah. Not so much.
I have been out of bed for about an hour and I am in such a foul mood. Everything that comes out of DH's mouth seems to push my buttons and I am having to make a very conscious effort to not go BSC on him for no reason.
I wish I could snap myself out of this funk... or that my child would decide to pick up the pace and stop teasing me. After all the HG hell I went through the first 21 weeks, then my BP issues recently and this lingering early labor, I'm pretty much convinced she hates me already.
Re: I told myself I'd be happy today.. I lied. <vent>
Just wait until she's a teenager. Hehehe. Hang in there. Mine doesn't wnat to come out either. Some days I think I will be pregnant forever.
If I'm already this grumpy at 38w5d, I don't know how you seem so calm at 40w2d! If I make it that long, especially if this pattern of spaced out contrax continues, I'll be LOSING my mind by then!
Kudos (and lots of labor dust!) to you!
The O'Baby Blog
I've been having random contractions too. They will even get fairly regular, they just aren't painful. Annoying, but not painful. I had a NST on Friday and was having "really regular!" contractions, the nurse thought the OB would want to check me... nope, OB said to wait until they hurt. So, I'm still here!