I really hate having my picture taken. I just feel silly and I get all shy and flustered. I talked DH into going to JCP next weekend for some pictures. Nothing to elaborate, just something nice to look back on. Anyways, I'm nervous about them. What to wear. The poses. Whether or not my big fat swollen feet/ankles/fingers should be in the pictures. Anyone else like this but do it anyways? Any suggestions?
Re: Anyone else shy but maternity portraits anyways?
You can take a look at mine for ideas. Not all of them turned out great but there are a few that I really like. We decided to do the shots outdoors on the beach and I think that worked out really well. But I wasn't shy about showing my belly to people that were there, for me it wasn't a big deal and it was too hot to be covered anyway!
Go to "client proofing" and type in villa
I had some taken as well and they are fabulous. You should make sure you are going to a photographer who has done the maternity pics before, just so they are aware of the different poses and things. Remember that they are the professional and will know the best poses and outfits that are best, even though they may feel silly to you.
Have a blast doing them so you will have a nice story to tell your bebe when he/she can see what mummy looked like when she was pregnant. Good luck.