The five hour long Trivial Pursuit game we played last night while one of my bf's friend's was over. It was fun, but by the end I think we were all running on sleep deprivation...I felt like I was playing while drunk (aside from the being pregnant thing). I'm so mentally drained still. I dont want to think anymore. ::headdesk::
Someone wake me up on my due date (no sooner...this baby is grounded til then!).
Re: I am so exhausted from...
I hear ya. I'm SO glad DS is napping now. I was up last night at a pub listening to my favorite band and earlier that day I had Photographed a wedding. tired...need real sleep to bed.
Yeah one of my bf's friends made it for us. I'm so in love with it. I keep trying to tell her to make herself an Etsy store (she made us some beautiful handmade letter blocks, a couple gorgeous knit sweaters, and the quilt) but she doesn't think she's good enough to. >.< Arg. lol
I hung the quilt up in the nursery because I thought it was so pretty.