So I went for a walk down to the grocery store to get in a bit of exercise before the heat and humidity took over. And the first thing the cashier says is: "Are you having twins?" And I was just too in shock to say anything other than...nope, just one! And she goes: "Oh one BIG one!"
Now in my opinion, there really is not any situation where you ask someone if its twins (excluding if you are wearing some shirt to indicate its twins, or are in a baby store buying 2 of everything...) But seriously, I wanted to cry...after I throat punched her that is...
Re: My response should have been: "Are you?"
Make a pregnancy ticker
I've been getting that since about June. "When are you due" *with shocked eyes* "ONLY ONE?!"
yeah..thanks for calling fat j@ck@$$!!
Oh, but you WILL be late if you're least if I am any indication.
I actually got a good stranger comment yesterday...I was walking around downtown while DH was in the barber shop, and got to talking with another lady who was walking (I was actually walking faster than her, imagine that...) and she asked how far along I was. I said "41 weeks tomorrow" and she said, "oh, you're carrying really well and you look great". I could have kissed her. No comment about being too small, too big, that the baby needs to hurry up...just "you're carrying well"!
That is awesome! I would have been happy too.
Did you bottle that lady so we could sell her in spray form to ward off all the evil stranger comments?
Matthew Kevin
Met 1/8/00
Engaged 4/21/06
Married 9/29/07
Two beautiful legacies: Noah Matthew (2 yrs) and Chloe Marcella (8 mos)
Day Three
That is unbelievable! Depending on the mood I was in, I would probably have "informed" their manager of those lovely comments.
In my bag: Canon 60D, 50mm 1.4, Tamron 28-75 2.8, 430exii