Anyone else experiencing this? Mine has become seriously worse this weekend (I can barely walk at times), but I have been busy organizing things so that could be why.
Usually its worst when I've been sitting or laying down too long, so I have to get up slowly and have something to hold onto because my legs give out beneath me from the pain. DH had to help me up the stairs yesterday because it was so bad. I have acupuncture for it, but the effects don't seem to last long enough. I've told the doctor, but that was in the beginning of 2nd tri when it first started.
Anyone have any ideas to make it better? Heat or ice therapy? I do have back problems to begin with, slipped discs and arthritis in my lower lumbar spine, but my back has been fine until the last week or so, it was my hips and legs before that.
Thanks in advance!
Re: Excruciating Back/Hip/Sciatica Pain...
Heat is great, and wet heat is even better! If you have a bathtub, take a warm bath every night before climbing into bed. Have DH help you in and out since your balance will be out of whack and you're already having back/hip problems.
Have you tried massages? Even just having DH rub your lower back at night might help more than you'd think. GL!
Natalie Kate - October 4, 2011
Blighted ovum, d&c at 9w, July 2012
Blighted ovum, d&c at 10w, September 2013
BFP May 28, EDD February 4, 2015
Thanks for the suggestions and kind words! I'm not really a bath person, but I should try it more. I do have a heating pad but I avoid using it since I'm pregnant because it can get really hot, but I guess if I don't let it get too hot and don't use it too long it should be okay. We also have a magic bag I could use too.
Back rubs are great -- get DH to rub the butt cheek that hurts, too. Sounds weird, but I promise it feels fantastic!
Also, I tried doing pelvic tilts, going on all fours and rocking, and other stretches to try and ease the pain; I felt excruciating pain like you're feeling now for a couple of weeks straight at right about 27/28 weeks. I've also heard of alternating cold packs and heat packs on the area.
What I think ultimately worked for me was just getting baby to move. DH was "playing" with the belly one night -- we called it Hide'n'Seek. He would put his hand where baby was and feel for him, and then baby would move, and DH would find him again, and baby would move, lol. Ultimately, I felt baby move and my relief started soon after that.
Good luck!
Sorry to hear about your pain!
I had similar problems that started about 5 weeks ago, but I never had to have DH help me up the stairs-- you poor lady!!
I started seeing a chiropractor. He said my right hip was rotated forward and my sacrum was grinding against the illiac crest (top of hip bones in the back) to cause the sharp sciatic pain. Several gentle adjustments later and I am soooo much better now.
Look for someone who specializes in treating pregnant women. Good Luck!!
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I can walk today, its worse than usual, but I can walk on my own. In the night when I got up I was worried I'd fall over so I just have to hold onto things as I go, the bed, the wall, the dog, lol.
I'm hesitant to try a chiropractor, it kind of scares me, but I'll see what the doctor thinks. I was wondering if physio might help. I don't think its the baby's position, I think its just the previous problems I had with my back getting much worse because of pregnancy, everything shifting around. I'll try the pelvic lifts too, its like a yoga position, the cat. I can do it on all fours, but if I lay on my back, I can't lift my hips at all. The pain is much much worse if I've been laying on my back.
Thanks again for all the help, I'm open to any more suggestions! I'm going to try some cold packs tonight and some heat and see if it helps too.
Blog: Baby Mama's Drama
I am right there with ya... a week long constant pain when walking and stairs are the worst. Its like a pinch nerve in my right hip joint. I have a PT appointment tomorrow (yea!) and am considering a chiro appointment if the PT doesn't help but my insurance doesn't cover chiro so we'll see... good luck to us all during this home stretch!!!