So anytime I drop the f bomb he tells me to watch my mouth because the baby can hear it. Well, it's getting really old. So, I have started telling him the same thing....she can hear you too, honey!
My BIL apologizes to the baby if he cusses around me... mostly jokingly. I've been trying to clean up my language- don't want baby dropping the f-bomb in front of grandma:)
My boyfriend says it as a joke because he knows it bothers me. It is true though, I need to limit the number of F bombs that come out of my mouth once the baby arrives. I'm way worse than him!
Re: DH telling me to watch my language
hahah DH went thru this phase too. i finally told him to f*off. HA!
no, subconciously i must of done it b/c i noticed the other day i dont cuss as much.