3rd Trimester

abdominal pain

So all day I have had a constant sore feeling in my mid to upper abdomen. It just feels like I've worked my muscles to hard and they are very sore, but whenever I walk, cough, or bend any direction it becomes a sharper pain and then just goes back to being a soreness. I also feel sharp pains whenever LO moves, which has been normally.

I have had similar feelings before that I decided were just "growing pains" and they always went away after a short time. This pain however is still there and still constant, I only feel relief when laying down. Has anyone else had these same feelings?

Re: abdominal pain

  • I had a couple pains, but I bet mine were ligament pains, not sure about yours. Don't you hate all the wondering that we have to do about pregnancy pains, because there are so many things that could be causing it? what a headache.
  • OMG yes! I thought it might be RLP, but from everything I've read those are more lower abdomen and mine are on the sides and upper. I feel like I just did a major ab workout!
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