3rd Trimester

Remove foot from mouth lady

DH and I went out to a really nice dinner to celebrate our anniversary.  Afterwards, as it was raining, he went to get the car while I waited for him in the lobby and the receptionist asked me when I was due.  I told her Oct 30.  And the conversation goes:

Her: "WOW, you are HUGE!  I thought you were due within the next few weeks"

Me: Uh, thanks.  Well, it is my second child.

Her: Were you this huge with your first too?

Me: I guess I really didnt think I was huge with either of these pregnancies.

Her: Oh well you are with this one for sure!

The conversation just kept getting worse and worse.  I was feeling kinda pretty last night too in a new maternity dress and everything!  I guess some people in trying to be conversational just dont realize how their comments can come off.

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Re: Remove foot from mouth lady

  • OMG!!! today is my anniversary too and i was due on oct 30th until they moved it up to the 27th just last week! crazy!
    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Now I want to see a pic, because I'm sure this lady is crazy! The word huge should be erased from peoples vocabulary when in the company of a PG lady
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  • ::bangs head on wall::

    Yeah...I've had a few of these conversations myself lately.

  • Yesterday was our actual 5 year anniversary and dinner kimberly.  The doctor wanted to move my due date up too, but says he will keep it where it is for now.  Too funny!

    As for pictures, I dont post pictures on here but in all honesty, I am not a big girl and dont think I look larger than I should at this point!

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  • imageemmared1986:
    Now I want to see a pic, because I'm sure this lady is crazy! The word huge should be erased from peoples vocabulary when in the company of a PG lady


    This. If I hear my grandmother tell one more person how HUGE I am now I'm going to kick her.

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