could live w/out the bumbo (maybe thatll change once shes older) and im def glad i didnt get a high chair yet since it wouldve just taken up room. i never used the wipe warmer &i also couldve waited to get my stroller since i use the snap and go with he carseat (i love it but it was free, otherwise i wouldve gotten a travel system) i also LOVE both of my carriers. one is from LoveyDuds on etsy (like the moby wrap) and the other i got at tj max (a plain baby bjorn)
also the paci-clip is coming in handy now as are all her Lamaze brand toys. last but not least- mylicon drops,gripe water,Itzbeen, Carters sleep sacks that zip (SO much easier at night--& cheap) ,
Re: 0-6 is slow so Im visiting you ladies...
YES! That is a precious pic of your LO!!!
Ok, I have to know what BABY PRODUCTS do you LOVE and what ones could you have lived without?
"Wearing his BING CROSBY clothes and crooning...buuuh buuh buuuh"
dd slept in it for a long time & sits in it while i shower..also sits in this while i shower
i love my glider and most recently love this
its amazing!
could live w/out the bumbo (maybe thatll change once shes older) and im def glad i didnt get a high chair yet since it wouldve just taken up room. i never used the wipe warmer &i also couldve waited to get my stroller since i use the snap and go with he carseat (i love it but it was free, otherwise i wouldve gotten a travel system) i also LOVE both of my carriers. one is from LoveyDuds on etsy (like the moby wrap) and the other i got at tj max (a plain baby bjorn)
also the paci-clip is coming in handy now as are all her Lamaze brand toys. last but not least- mylicon drops,gripe water,Itzbeen, Carters sleep sacks that zip (SO much easier at night--& cheap) ,