So my cervix is like a steel trap and if this pg is anything like my pg with DS I will never go into labor on my own (I have a scheduled c-section at 39 1/2 weeks.)
However, there is the possibility it could happen and I have been wondering about this...if your water breaks do you have to immediatley go to the hospital or do you have time to do other things first?
Like if my water broke at work would I have time to go home and change my pants first? Or what if I want to take a shower first? Is there time for that? I know you have time when you are waiting for contractions to get closer together but if your water suddenly breaks do you have time??
Thanks for indulging me.....
Re: I have a dumb question
I know that if my water had broken,we would have showered, walked around and done some laboring at home. Its a good question to ask your Dr. , though, he/she would know exactly what they want you to do.
Obviously, ask your doctor.
Our doula told us that we can labor at home for up to 6 hours after my water breaks, and my doctor said that was fine with him.
Always, Always, ALWAYS go to L&D immediately after your water breaks. There is a chance that you could have a prolapsed cord (the cord can come out when your water breaks) and the baby's head could cut off circulation from the placenta to the baby. Your baby could suffer from decreased oxygen if that happens, it is a medical emergency!
But keep in mind that it is very rare (10% of women) for your water to break before you go into labor.