so for the last 2 weeks, life has been crazy busy, work, went out of town, had funeral to attend to, work crazy again, training a new nurse to my job who will be covering for night shift blah blah... so needless to say my "bumping" time has been non existent. i can't exactly bump at work when i have another nurse sitting right next to me staring at my computer screen. i just wanted to scream these last 2 wks.
so i've see we've had a stream of BFP's around here. that's so awesome. i'm overjoyed for you all.
on TTC front for us. i got DH SA#2 results back! much much improved. so i'm thinking part of our bad #'s were lab error. i am going to reserve my judgement until after RE appt next week. because last time RE nurse told me all was good and wamoh RE said not so. so until i can see the # written on paper with DH name on it, i'm holding back on my jumping for joy. sad i know but you know "once bitten twice shy"
so how's everyone doing?
Re: so i've been busy for 2 wks and it looks like we've have been busy here too!
hi- well, I have my BETA for my first IVF on Monday.
glad your got some good numbers!
oh my goodness its time already for your beta. how are you feeling. i'm so excited for you. any s/sx (signs and symptoms)
. now come on confess have you POAS, or are you going to wait?