I know this is delayed but i've been out of town and then busy with work. i havent been on the bump and just catching up.
YAY! YAY! YAY! i'm so happy for you. your dh swimmers made it.
so i didnt see any post about a beta being done. did they not do one? i'm confused.
and yay for your u/s on 9/9/09 that's my nieces bday. its a great day.
waiting for more great news from you.
i also saw you made your way over to the pg after 35 board as well.
::::: dancing up and down acros this post:::::::::::::
Re: :::CATHYMD::::
Thanks so much! You are so sweet!
I just got the betas a few minutes ago, they were 173 and 360 so that looks good I think.
Thank you! And I saw your intro on GP but it was so far back I couldn't really chime in.
It's a great board really. Low tolerance for really stupid questions (My period is 2 seconds late. Look in my ute: AM I KU? Stuff like that) but otherwise a fabulous board!