does oatmeal give babies constipation? we just switched from rice to oatmeal and I thought it was the rice that gave them constipation and not oatmeal but riley still seems to be having a tough time. finn never had any issues with either so I'm kind of flying blind here.
Re: oatmeal = constipation??
DD- 9
c/p- April 2016
missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016
I gave G. oatmeal up until her 9 month visit. That's when they did the iron testing. Because she was breastfed, I was terrified she'd be anemic. So I loaded it on. Once she was in the clear, I stopped using it. She was getting really good with table food and was eating some meats whole.
I always gave straight up prune juice to unstick things. The puree works great too.