Georgia Babies

oatmeal = constipation??

does oatmeal give babies constipation?  we just switched from rice to oatmeal and I thought it was the rice that gave them constipation and not oatmeal but riley still seems to be having a tough time.  finn never had any issues with either so I'm kind of flying blind here.

Re: oatmeal = constipation??

  • I came in thinking this mean for the preggos - because I eat oatmeal every day and am hella constipated.  :::sigh:::  I can see how it would contribute though - all that fiber may bulk things up.  Have you tried a little prune juice?
  • Colin did better on the oatmeal than the rice cereal. I think he had constipation issues simply b/c his system was adjusting to the actual food. Once I mixed pears into it he was fine.
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  • Cadence did better on the oatmeal than the rice..but all that stuff caused her some issues. I did 1/2 jar of prunes every other day until she got off the baby cereals and that seemed to do the trick.
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    DD- 9
    c/p- April 2016
    missed m/c- 6w5d; discovered 8w2d- September 2016

  • to that note, how long do I need to even do the oatmeal?
  • I gave G. oatmeal up until her 9 month visit. That's when they did the iron testing. Because she was breastfed, I was terrified she'd be anemic. So I loaded it on. Once she was in the clear, I stopped using it. She was getting really good with table food and was eating some meats whole.

    I always gave straight up prune juice to unstick things. The puree works great too.

    Lil' G was born April 25, 2008! Big C was born September 28, 2011! Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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