Having a big gtg for the UGA game (yay....football season is finally here!!!!!) on Saturday....going to the NASCAR race Sunday night....and recovering Monday!!!!!!!
I'm off that day, so if I'm not IN labor, I will probably be in bed!
The Knot won't share my Bump Siggy, so here's the low-down:
4/27/07 - Got engaged!
8/31/08 - Got married (to my best friend)!
12/30/08 - Got Pregnant!
9/3/09 - Welcome to the world, Elias Solomon!
8/16/10 - Got Pregnant, again!
5/14/11 - Welcome to the world, Talia Hadassah!
1/14/12 - Ready or not, here comes #3 (EDD 9/27/12)
Re: Labor Day plans?
Photo by Everything Nice Photography
My blog
We'll be on our babymoon - Maui!
Literally counting the days...