I missed my appt. at wellstar pedriatrics and adolescence this morning due to pregnancy brain. (in Smyrna, Dr. Beckford was recommended, but they could only get me in to see Matthews). They can only reschedule me for Sept. 4th which is 5 days after my due date.
I really would like to find someone before then, but I'm just not sure where else to go, and I'd like to stay closer to Smyrna if possible.
Re: So how bad is it if I don't have a peditrician yet?
You just want to make sure the peditrician that sees the baby in the hospital is covered by your insurance. I think you can still use them if you want as long as they are accepting new patients. You could also tell them that you are due soon and if someone cancels you would like to have their appointment. My pedi office did a new parent group visit every week. Do they not have something like this? A friend of mine uses this group and really likes them.
I would just show up at the office and see if they can squeeze you in (or call and beg, beg, beg). Your baby will need to see the pedi for a One Week visit.
Or, when you call the pedi from the hospital once DC is born and schedule your one week visit, you can use that visit to determine if you like the doc. Then you get a few weeks to search out someone different if you don't like the practice.
I hadn't met with ours when Sean came (way early). I went ahead and put her down because you do need someone to see the baby 1-3 days after being discharged and you also need them to send the discharge paperwork to someone. I figured if I didn't like her after the first visit, we could always change. She came highly recommended so I figured it was worth a shot. We're still with her 18 months later. DS was in the hospital and NICU for weeks and was cared for by their neonatologist the entire time. My pediatrician wouldn't have seen him in the hospital anyway.
We went for our visit a couple of weeks ago. We were suppose to meet with one dr but ended up meeting with a different one. We met with Dr. Kohn I think. She seemed very good. You can see whoever you want when you call or you can follow 1 particular dr. If you have an specific questions let me know. I am pretty sure we are going to go to that practice.