Has anyone seen a 1st birthday cupcake theme for a girl? I have found one, but I am looking to make the invitations and such myself and was looking for other patterns to help give me some ideas.
I know I am way ahead of the ballgame since she hasn't even been born yet, but since I am trying to make a lot of the stuff myself I am trying to get my ideas and thoughts out and planned out now before she's born since I will be busy with her for the next year (meaning that after she is born I don't think I will have as much time to be creative and try to get stuff done and made).
This is the pattern I have already found, but I was trying to get other ideas:
Any help you ladies can give would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Re: 1st Birthday cupcake theme?
We did the cupcake theme for Camerons 1st bday! Just a few things I did... (pics from Lori at shootstarphoto.com)
password 102905
I had a large cupcake cake made for her and cupcakes 4 guests, kids favors in cupcake bags, cupcake Banner from etsy, cupcake dress from etsy, water bottle labels from etsy, hair clip from etsy, and this is the cupcake pop recipe for the adult favors i put in favor boxes instead of on sticks.
hope this helps!