what's the earliest DPO that you tested on, and got the BFP.
I am REALLY trying SO hard to control myself. I SWORE that I would not test unless AF was late. I'm not due for AF until Mon or Tues... but I had butterfly-like feelings for 5 days staright, then on Monday it turned to cramps and bloating, then just cramps, through this AM.
I HATE THE 2WW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Re: If you got a BFP...
I never really tested, I usually waited for AF. This cycle I did test at 14dpo.
People are fond of saying think of it as peeing on money if you do so too early. Perhaps this chart might help a bit. And GL this cycle!!!
HPT Accuracy Results Percentages: (Based on a 25mIU sensitive test)
10 dpo : 35%
11 dpo : 51%
12 dpo : 62%
13 dpo : 68%
14 dpo : 74%
15 dpo : 80%
16 dpo : 88%
17 dpo : 92%
If you are expecting AF on Monday, maybe you can test tomorrow with FMU!
Good luck to you! (**** throwing baby dust your way****)
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!! LOL
Dina, my AF is due on Monday too and I'm going to wait. I've been feeling dull cramping for the past 3 days, too early for PMS. I hope this a good sign for us!
Well....maybe Saturday wouldn't be too early....NO! I'm going to wait!! I like the "peeing on money" analogy. Keep us posted!
Pissing on money is a great way to look at it. I actually got some HPT strips for free for ordering stuff from early-pregnancy-tests.com, so I didn't feel so badly POAS on them. When I got two BFPs on the free HPT strips, I took the plunge and POAS on an "expensive" First Response HPT cartridge. The big ol' First Response cartridge was a lot easier to read than the little strips, and I didn't believe I was pregnant until I saw the two lines clearly on the big ol' thing.
wow - so you had cramping, so did I... and so did UTKD, who got a BPF 2 days in a row! Now I really won't be able to sleep...
FWIW, I got cramping really early. I was thinking "WTF? This is way too darn early for PMS!" I usually don't start cramping until a few days before AF, but I got early cramping and for one day, my boobs were so sore it hurt to shower (and I have teeny weeny boobies). It was another "WTF?" moment.
Good luck to you, too! (**** Throwing some of the baby dust I got from Cathy your way ****)
Monday will be a good day to test.
Just dropping in this thread to bask in the above!
I got my BFP on Day 14 after ovulation (and tested several days in a row prior), BUT my BFP didn't stick, so I may not be a good indicator!
I got my BFP's at 13dpo FMU. Testing any soomer me resulted in BFN's.
I caved and tested at 10 DPO, got a BFN. Waited 2 more days and tested the night of 12 DPO and got a super faint positive. On 13 DPO it was quite a bit darker with FMU.
I would not test earlier than 12 DPO again. Good luck!
I tested 11dpo and got a positive but, ended in m/c. I got pregnant with Emerson right after that so, it was a total shock. Needless to say with my second pregnancy, it was the day of my missed period.