Waiting to O, waiting to test, waiting, waiting, waiting. I'd rather be waiting for a baby and tired from being up all night.
There are a ton of women I work with all due in December so I get my daily reminder of where I'd be right now. But instead, I'm waiting to go to the bathroom to change my tampon and waiting for my HSG appointment and waiting to see if I even will O on my own this month.
This sucks! Thanks for letting me vent, DH is tired of it all too so I try to keep it to myself.
Re: I'm so tired of waiting.
I'm so sorry for your loss, and that you have constant reminders about where you would be.
Waiting is hard under the best of circumstances, even without that element.
Vent away!!
I know it is stressful and difficult. Hang in there!
I know exactly how you feel! It seems like so much "hurry up and wait." Wait to get an appointment. Wait to get your tests. Wait to get the results. Wait to start the treatment. Now, even with IVF, it's wait to see how many follies you get, how many eggs, how many fertilize . . .
Soooo frustrating.
Girl...I am totally with you on this.
Hang in there and hopefully you will soon get the BFP you deserve.
I understand - I feel like my life is on hold.
I want to go shopping for new clothes - but I hate the idea of buying clothes when I am not pregnant and knowing/hoping that I will need maternity clothes. So I buy shoes instead. Or I shop for my husband.
Or we plan a trip with his family and all of the hotels are booked, so we are sharing a room - so no BD then. It would be nice if that wasn't my first thought. And this trip isn't until October! So many things could be different by then.