
P/T Helper?

if I were to get part-time (2 dys/wk) help with the twins, when do you feel is the best time to get it? For ex., would you find it more beneficial in the very beginning (first 3 months) or later on?? I plan to BF for awhile if all goes as planned....

We don't have the $ to have around the clock care or extended help--I am just trying my hardest to finish up my remaining few credits with a degree I've been working on and wanted to try and take 2 classes in the spring (Jan-May). My DH and I discussed getting someone to help out like 2 days/wk so I could go to classes (I'm doing what I can now and submitting on the computer, but I can't keep doing indep. credits to finish up). The girls will be approx. 3 months at that time.

Any feedback is appreciated!! 

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Re: P/T Helper?

  • I would probably get the helper while you are in school.

    I know for me, the first month wasn't too bad, especially the first 2 wks when all they did was sleep (my babies were born at 37 wks).  Around 6 wks was the worst.  It was during that time when I was a wreck.  I had no idea how I could do this.  Then by the time they hit 8 wks, either they got a lot better or I was better with dealing with them or a combo.  Now that they are almost 3 months and sleeping better at night, things have gotten a little easier.  But if you could do it for 3 months, I would do it months 1-4. 

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