Thought about this a while ago. It's not something that really bugs me, but it does get old (and my twins aren't even here yet). Just figured I'd come back with, "but it's better than them being empty" (no, not with a nasty tone, unless you want to add one).
Re: Response to "you're going to have your hands full"
I HATE the "you have your hads full" comment. I get it every.single.time I go out with the kids. Never once have I had them out of the house and not heard it at least twice if not more. I have gotten to where I say "what makes you think that?" in a rather snarky tone. I am rude about it because most of the time people say it to be rude or mean (or at least I take it that way) I know I have my hands full. I live with these kids ya know? I dont just have them when I go out in public.
I also hate the "Im glad its you and not me" while laughing or in a rude tone. To that I say "Me too. I guess God knew I could handle it better!"
I also hate the 20 questions while my kids are in full tantrum mode. Hello? Do you not see and HEAR the screaming, yelling crying children you are aksing me about? I dont have time to tell you that no they are not triplets, yes they are id. twins. Age difference, personalities, how I tell them apart, how it was when they were all babies, how I get out and about with them, how I reacted when the dr told me it was twins, how far along I was when they were born, how I deliverd them, what their names are, who was born first, who is the dominant twin, if I BFed or FFed, how long I BF'd if L enjoys having twin sisters, how much laundry I have, if I have a lot of help, how $$ it will be for cars/college/weddings and just about every single thing I may have missed.
At first I LOVED to talk to people about them but now its just plain annoying esp when Im grocery shopping pushing a double and pulling a shopping cart while trying to keep a 4yr old from running and picking up every item off the shelf.
Whew...I sure do feel better now.
They say God only gives us what we can handle...Some days I think he's seriously overestimating my abilities.
Yes it's wicked annoying. Unless you are offering to help, then people should keep their mouths shut.
You know, it's true - i do have my hands full. So i always just say, yep, you're right. Or 'you have no idea....'. LOL
I don't understand why that comment would bother anyone.