DH and I never get alone time. A lot of it is not having money, emotional struggles, no one to watch Pearl.
We think it is important to start making the time for us together as well as alone time.
We just got a gift certificate for Outback and are really excited to have a date night. We were also talking about all the things we enjoy so that we can have ideas at our fingertips.
Re: How often do you and DH have a "date night"?
Ryan 5/2010, Kyle 1/2007, Eric 3/2005
About every 6 weeks, but we've been bad about it lately. Could you swap babysitting w/ another couple? My sister did that a lot when her kids were younger and they were tight on $$.
To save $$, check out local museums. Most have one free day a month, typically a Sunday. You could pack a picnic lunch and walk around a museum for free on a Sunday afternoon.
When we eat out, a lot of times we'll share an entree and get a dessert, skip the alcohol. This cuts way down on the cost of the meal. And check online for restaurant coupons.
Rent a movie and watch it once the kid goes to bed.
Eat at home and go to Borders or Barnes and Noble, share a cheesecake ($5) and roam the aisles. DH and I would do that a lot pre-DD and when she was a newborn. It was fun to read our own stuff and then sit and talk about what our intersts are.
Christmas 2011