Not to a good level, but it went up about 60 points over the last 24 hours. What it alll means is this little bugger isn't healthy, and just doesn't know to stop growing. To make it worse, it's an ectopic pregnancy, we think--uterus was empty, and possible sac seen at the top of my right tube. After this morning's u/s, plans were to let it m/c on it's own, but since b/w shows it's still growing, RE is afraid of a tubal rupture if it continues to grow. I have to go in for more blood work in order to prepare for the methotrexate shot on Thursday. I've heard it's very unpleasant, and if anyone has any?experience?with it, I'd appreciate your advice. Thanks again for all of your thoughtful words, it really helps me through these rough times.?
TTC since 3/08
DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI,
5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies,
2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C)
Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11

Re: My beta went back up :(
I do not have any experience with the methotrexate shot. I just wanted to wish you luck and let you know that I so truly sorry for all that you are going through.
Oh QE. Bring your ovaries over here so I can give them an extremely stern lecture.
I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I don't know anything about the shot, but I do know that there is a very supportive bunch of ladies here who are rooting for you to get past this an onwards.
Hang in there bella. ((((hugs))))
I am so sorry to hear this. ?Nothing can be easy, can it? ?
I am sending you lots of positive vibes and happy thoughts. ?You are in my thoughts and prayers.?
I'm so sorry. I don't have any experience w/methotrexate but perhaps you'll get some more info if you ask your question on Pregnancy Loss board or TTTC. Hugs to you!
I had the shot many years ago and it wasn't that bad. Cramping was worse than a normal AF and heavier but I made it through. I used Advil for pain.
So sorry this is not going well for you, it just doesn't seem fair.
I am sorry, honey.
I did have an ectopic, but I had to have surgery.
I really don't know much about the shot.
Yes,I'm smiling...I'm a marathoner!
Bloggy McBloggerson
CO Nestie Award Winner-Prettiest Brain-Back to Back!
2011 Bests
5K-22:49 10K-47:38 Half Mary-1:51:50
2012 Race Report
1/1-New Year's 5K-22:11
2/11-Sweetheart Classic 4-mile-29:49
3/24-Coulee Chase 5K-21:40
5/6-Colorado Marathon-4:08:30
5/28-Bolder Boulder 10K
QE, I am sorry. A good friend of mine just had the methotrexate in July for an ectopic and said there was a heavy cycle that followed, with an extended amount of spotting (7 days I believe). They told her she could ttc again next cycle.
Hugs to you.
I'm so, so sorry you're going through this. (((hugs)))
I wish there was something I could say to make it better.
Just know that we're all thinking of you. And you will get through this. It sucks, but you will.