tomorrow we have our 36 week appt & i am sooo excited! mainly b/c our doc said we would start internals then. yes, i know, i'm happy for a pelvic exam, what is wrong with me!? haha, but i'm just excited knowing that tomorrow is the beginning of the end! our doc also mentioned after this appt i would start going every week & we would check every week. once/IF i hit 4 cm on my own, we're going to monitor my bodies behavior closely & TALK inducing. i know no one wants a preemie baby, but the fact that i could deliver in 4 wks or less is crazy!! AH! :] and i know nothing could be going on & i could go past my due date, but still..its getting close!! cant wait for the morning!! :]
Re: i'm so anxious!
see this is what my doc has said, but just didnt give me a day we would induce, just that it would be discussed :] YAY!
Tomorrow is my EDD and for some strange reason, I am NOT anxious. Go figure!
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