Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Sweet and Sour....

So, tonight I walk by a table at work and hear a very faint "newborn cry". ?I turn and see an extremely precious baby in the arms of a lady, seated with her husband (who I can't guess the ages of.....could be the baby's parents, could be the grandparents........I don't beg to guess.)

Little, sweet baby is adorable. I barely remember DS being so small and he's only 6 mos. old.

I, of course, stop by, and ask how old "the baby" is (he was in blue, but I refuse to make the gender-mistake...lol)

Lady says, "he is 8lbs, and I tell you that first, because?he's 5 mos. old. ?We are his foster parents. ?He was born at 25 weeks, weighing 1 pound."

We speak more about how amazing his survival is......I bring up my BF from HS who had an emerg. C-Sect. Last Oct. at 27 weeks, and how tiny her LO is/was, but how amazing it is these days that babies are able to survive, as such.....and what a miracle....etc.?

The bio. mom is a 16 year old and was ready to sign over all parental rights. ?A lawyer got involved last minute and convinced her not to make that decision. ?So, legally, the bio. mom has 12 mos. to change her mind. ?In the meantime, the baby is with the couple who wanted to adopt in the first place.

Turns out...this couple is "unable to biologically conceive." ?This is the 4th baby they've "tried" to adopt. They had 3 previously in their home. ?2 of which, the bio. parent(s) changed their minds months into the process and took the babies back, the other 1 is their son.

All I know, is that my heart goes out to the baby and the couple who have him.

DH and I are "trying" right now. ?AND ?that little baby boy, YANKED my heart strings.......I wanted to scoop him up and take him home with me.....(in a very non-creepy non-kidnapping way.) ?I pray it works out for that couple and that sweet baby......I also pray, that DH and I are blessed with another baby.

Sorry for the long rambling. ?(I guess y'all are now used to it from me....)?

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