One of my BFFs just called and told me she's KU! She's been trying for two years, and they finally went to an RE and had an IUI. It worked the first time!
I feel so bad because I could tell she felt bad telling me about it. She kept telling me that my time was coming soon. :-(
Re: feeling happy and guilty
You're feelings are normal, as you know.
I think you'll still be able to talk about everything with your friend. If she feels "bad" about things, you'll be able to reassure her with just a few words.
You probably already have, actually.
And I'm with Char: You're time is coming!
Saver, I think your feelings are very normal. Also, I am sure you would have felt bad telling her the news if the situation was reversed. A good friend of mine IRL is pregnant with #2 right now, but she had all kinds of trouble getting pregnant with #1. She is my in real life. I tell her everything that is going on and she still gets it even though she is currently pregnant. So, I think you will still be able to confide, vent, complain to your friend.
I totally can relate to you on this one...I think it's more uncomfortable for my friends that come tell me that they are pregnant than it is for me to hear.
Having said that, I always feel like it's up to me to maintain the lines of communication about TTC and Pregnancy as they seem to feel, still, uncomfortable talking to me about it at first.
BIG hugs to you!!