Well, things went okay with DS there...he only screamed twice and I just kept shoveling cheerios into him--even as I had my date with the dildo cam.
After 2 nights of 150IU (higher than last cycle) injectibles we have 1 large follie on the right ovary and 2 smaller follies. The left ovary really only has miniscule stuff. WTF is up with my ovaries and why aren't they reacting very well to the meds, esp. since it's an increased dosage?!
I take one more shot of gonal-f tonight, give myself my ovidrel shot tomorrow at 8pm and DH goes in at 9am Monday morning with me following behind at 10:30 am. Then begins that dreaded 2ww.
Somehow once again I'm not feeling so optimistic. If this doesn't work I'll be interested to see what my RE says for next cycle.
Re: Follie update
I'm sorry that you're ovaries haven't cranked out as many follies as you would like.
But it really is true that it only takes one! And maybe some of the stragglers will catch up?
Keep us posted.
Remember all it takes is one. But who knows the smaller follies may get bigger in the next day and a half and then you'll have 3. Keep your chin up it is too early to know how it will go.
Did you ever think you would be able to use "cheerios" and "dildo cam" in the same sentence?
Sorry the follies aren't growing as much as you like. As other posters said, it only takes one. I bet a couple of the smaller ones catch up over the weekend too. Good luck!
I love your new photo!
grrrrrr to the lame follies!!!! I hope this IS YOUR CYCLE! i can't believe it's already almost time for the procedure!
good luck, i'll be thinking of ya!?
Currently doing a cheer for you follies...Grow Follies Grow!!!
Good luck!