I was completely blown away. This shouldn't be. I shouldn't be pregnant since I just cancelled my IVF cycle due to early O and cysts. That means I was pregnant when I started my stims! My nurse says that this is either a false positive, or I am pregnant and m/c'ing, which is causing all of the cramping and spotting that I've had for the past 3 weeks, or its implantation bleeding because I am?pregnant,?which makes me worry because I did 7 days of stims and don't know the effects it would have. I'm going in for a beta now, results won't be back until tomorrow. My head is spinning a million miles a minute.
TTC since 3/08
DOR, High FSH, Hypothyroid, Uterine Polyps, blocked tube, MFI,
5 rounds of clomid, 5 IVF attempts, 2 hysteroscopies,
2 natural conceptions=2 losses (Methotrexate, D&C)
Successful DE cycle twins born 10/7/11

Re: Just POAS and it was +
OMG- didn't you have a blood test the day you started stims? I thought that is standard to check hcg level when you start.
I am praying it is implanation bleeding!
WOW! No wonder your head is spinning!
I agree with PP, didn't they do a pregnancy test before stims?
Can the stims you took cause false positives?
I'll be watching for your update.
Hang in there.
Yikes! That definitely would make one's head spin.
Deep breath and hang in there. Praying for a good outcome!
Wow! I have my fingers crossed for a good outcome!
WOW! You must be spinning right now!
My wish for you is that this somehow has a very happy ending!
OMG! That is crazy! I hope everything works out...keeping my fingers crossed for you! Keep us updated!
I'm posting on this one for good luck!!
OMG! You better update soon!!!
Where is the update?