
3 days of fever and nothing else-can the doc do anything?

I am trying to decide if there is any point in going to the doc today- my kid (2.25) has had a fever of between 100-102 for the last 3 days...

well- just today it hit 101 and 102.  for the last 3 it was 100-100.4

so....basically, she has no other symptoms, but I don't want to risk anything being wrong with her, while at the same time, I hate taking a sick kid out if its not for a very good reason. (I HATE being told that she just needs restr and fluids. Tell me that on the phone. When I called 2 days ago, they said if it got higher or she had some other type of thing bothering her, to bring her in.





the j is for journey.

Re: 3 days of fever and nothing else-can the doc do anything?

  • I would bring her in.  It could be an earinfection and she isn't showing any other signs.  Is she peeing ok?
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  • I probably would, just because it is Friday.  Could it be an ear infection?
    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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  • thanks guys, she is peeing a lot, but I have been pumping her full of

    yesterday her cheeks WERE pretty red.

    I thought maybe the top 2yr molars?

    I;ll call and get her in- I sure appreciate your help!!

  • Ditto on the possible ear infection. There is a virus going around that is just fever, but better to be sure.
  • I always think UTI when there is a fever and no other symptoms. I would have them test her urine.
  • Doc said call if it got higher.  It got higher.  Call doc. :-)

    Hope she's ok!

    Randomness for the day - there was a Journey arcade game where the characters had cutouts of their faces basically pasted on.  I'm officially an old bat for remembering this.

  • Well, boo. We had the same thing go down the P a few weeks ago. No real symptoms, other than a fever that lasted for days. I ended up taking her in, just on the odd chance that she had something, but wasn't presenting any sympyoms. Natch, there was nothing wrong (no strep, ears looked good, etc), so it was "rest and fluids" for us.

    Journey would tell you "don't stop believin" that Juney could get better. However, the "girl can't help it" if she's sick. And, if your gut is telling you to take her to the doctor, you probably should. Otherwise, if she gets worse and/or if there really is something wrong..."who's crying now?" Yep. That would be you, BoF.

    Good luck!

    ~Erica, Mommy to Peyton 9/06 & Cullen 9/09
  • imageBrideofranken:

    thanks guys, she is peeing a lot, but I have been pumping her full of

    yesterday her cheeks WERE pretty red.

    I thought maybe the top 2yr molars?

    I;ll call and get her in- I sure appreciate your help!!

    DS got ear infections with all of his molars.

    Kelly, Mom to Noah 8.27.05 (born at 26 weeks)
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