For those of you having girls and looking for cute wall decals such as butterflies or flowers, the Dollar Tree has a ton! There is a nice variety too. The black decals are a chalkboard where you can write DD's name in chalk or anything else. Unfortunately they don't seem to have too many for boy's rooms right now. The decals are on both sides too, so you get a lot for just $1.00!!
Re: Wall decals .... Dollar Tree
The second set you posted--of the flowers?--my DD has those ALL AROUND HER ROOM. Her room is a garden theme. I also bought pink & green letters from Dollar Tree (same brand) and we put words like "butterflies" "beautiful" "bumblebees" (whatever she wanted) over the flowers.
Edited to add one part of her wall:
Cute! Thank you for posting! I think we may use the ones you posted above her dresser.. I was suprised with how many cute styles they had