All clear! 1 follicle ready. Take the Ovidrel shot today & have sex tomorrow & Thursday.... (we may do more ) take 1 baby aspirin per day, my lining thinned a bit due to the clomid. Start progesterone on Saturday. If no BFP by 9/26, stop the progesterone...
So, should I start the pinapple core tomorrow?
Good Luck everyone!
PS my FSH was 6.3
Re: HSG & U/S update
Oooh! Have fun and good luck!
I think you are supposed to start the pineapple core after O. So, maybe start it after your temp rises. BTW, I triggered on Friday at 10pm and O'd on Sunday late afternoon. I know it seems strange that I would be able to pinpoint so closely, but I was having severe O pain and that is right when it stopped.
Fabulous! Exciting exciting.
After o for the core.
Great, good luck. My docs don't recommend BD more than once a day, but I trust that you have reason to think it's ok to do more.
I meant we might go ahead and BD Friday too... LOL
I've heard to use it in a smoothie, I think that is what I will do.