Plan on having the little one with us for the first few months, i'd prefer to keep the crib in the nursery - so we are reviewing bassinets but not much luck. There seem to be lots of complains, i haven't heard many raves.
I have the Kolcraft Contours from BRU and I love it ( granted I don't have a LO sleeping in it yet) I put it together myself a couple od days ago, big belly and all. I like that it has the removable moses basket and a changing table thingy and the diaper organizer. I've been calling it my little all in one nursery haha. It seems very sturdy and I think it's really cute. DH is impressed and it takes a lot for him to approve of something for the baby. Hope this helps!!
We live in Manhattan, so space is always a concern. I looked into a bunch of different options (traditional bassinet, arm's reach co-sleeper, moses basket, etc.) and ended up choosing the Graco Travel Lite Crib which is basically a smaller version of their Pack N' Play and comes with a bassinet feature that you can remove when the baby gets bigger.
We plan to keep this by the bedside and have baby with us for at least a few weeks, maybe longer depending on how things go. The crib will stay in his/her nursery.
What about using a pack n play? They have a "bassinet" part on the top. I had one with DD and we just got one for this LO also. It worked really well and can be used for so much longer than a regular one.
We used the Amby baby hammock. We loved it and DD slept very good from the beginning. It was easy to put together and travel with. I highly recommend it. It was a little pricey but you can find it on ebay as well.
Re: Pls recommend your bassinet?
We live in Manhattan, so space is always a concern. I looked into a bunch of different options (traditional bassinet, arm's reach co-sleeper, moses basket, etc.) and ended up choosing the Graco Travel Lite Crib which is basically a smaller version of their Pack N' Play and comes with a bassinet feature that you can remove when the baby gets bigger.
We plan to keep this by the bedside and have baby with us for at least a few weeks, maybe longer depending on how things go. The crib will stay in his/her nursery.
What about using a pack n play? They have a "bassinet" part on the top. I had one with DD and we just got one for this LO also. It worked really well and can be used for so much longer than a regular one.