
daycares & big classrooms

Do you ever feel like a shy/quiet child could get lost in a big classroom for day care? 

 DS is not shy, but he is quiet.  Still not talking much, if at all.  and he is very hard to understand.  I need to start a new daycare and I have 2 choices.

Goddard school,  just opening up, class would have about 5-6 in it, but could get to 12.  He would have all the opportunities goddard provides.  better classrooms, better toys, curriculum, higher standards for teachers etc.. 

A small, still center based, preschool day care.  they run a preschool class 8:30-10:45 and he would stay till 12:30 for lunch.  It is run by licensed speech therapists.  The class will never have more than 5-6 depending on which classroom was open.  They have 2- 2 year old rooms.  It is still new, but the outside play area is not great, really designed for older kids.  Changing table is non-existant it is a pad on the floor in the bathroom. 


I am afraid DS could get lost, or loose his tiny voice in a large classroom.   But there are a few things that also bug me about the smaller center as well... 

Any advice?

Re: daycares & big classrooms

  • Depends on what the negatives are, but I would say #2. They are there at age 2 purely for socialization and if they have teachers to help with his speech, even better.
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