Hi ladies,
I've been lurking for a while now, and occassionally post on GP. DH and I are both 35 and have been trying since January, to no avail. My cycles seem to be of normal length, and I seem to be O'ing regularly. I see a PA and she suspects I have endo. It's time for me to move on to next steps, but I'm not sure what those would be. Do I have my PA refer me to someone? An RE or OBGYN? I'm in the DC area--and not sure where to get a good recommendation.
It is so nice to 'meet' you and thank you for the support of this board!
Re: Intro and next steps question
Welcome to +35. I don't have any recommendations as the system is different up here.
Just a question - you say you know you o regularily - do you chart?
How did I miss that? Oppsy!
Welcome again!
I'm in the DC area too! I'd say it's time to see an RE. I got a lot of crap when I moved to an OB, a lot of "lose weight" and "no, your luteal phase is fine". I was done with that so moved onto an RE. With that being said, it's going to depend on your insurance. Sometimes once you move to an RE it's all billed a certain way. some insurance covers 'diagnosis only' others cover 'diagnosis and treatment'. I'd start by asking what your insurance covers then make a decision.?
A few of us here are in the DC area, you do have a few options.
https://www.mcfivf.com/ ? --> he comes highly recommended by someone here as well as my friend.
https://www.shadygrovefertility.com/ --> a larger facility w/ more satellite offices. good numbers, large though so you may feel like a cog in the wheel. i go here and don't feel like a cog but sometimes have felt that i'm not getting the answers i deserve.
i've heard crap things about dominion fertility. i know there are a few other centers but i haven't heard about them - one is often advertising in the post.
?good luck, let us know what you do and how it goes!?
Welcome to the board. The girls here are very nice and supportive.
I agree with PP that it is time to see an RE. Generally after 35 if you have been TTC for over 6 months it is time to move on from an OB/gyn.
Best of luck to you!
Welcome! I love it when folks delurk. As far as what is required, you may want to look at your insurance plan. If you are in an HMO you would likely need a referral to an RE but if you are in a POS or PPO you can usually go without one. But either way like the other ladies have said it is time for a visit with an RE.