Nurseries and Baby Gear

Wainscoting in a small nursery? WDYT?

I want to do wainscoting / beadboard similar to this in our nursery:












 It's a small room (9.5x10 feet) and DH is worried that this will make it look even smaller.  We will paint it the same color as the trim and baseboards (Barely Beige by Benjamin Moore) and the top half of the walls will be a light blue or green.

Do you think wainscoting like this will be too much in such a small room or would it look okay?
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Re: Wainscoting in a small nursery? WDYT?

  • I think it is very pretty, but do think it might make it look smaller....I guess that is not what you want to hear, but it's my honest opinion. The colors sound nice though!
  • we did it in a room that is about 10x11. i think it brightens it up!



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  • Unfortunately I agree with your husband.
  • we did it, our room is 10x10 and I love it, it doesn't close it in like I was afraid of
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  • my dad did this for me in my room when I was growing up. I went away to camp and came back to a completely remodeled room..*sniff* anyways I had a tiny room, and it looked ownderful and made it look roomier IMO. I would stick with a white or almost white colour to paint it. And tip *if you do it...paint it before you hang it! you can touch up and marks on it and it is sooooooooo much easier!



  • I think it'll look great.  And as long as you keep the colors fairly light, which is what it sounds like you're doing, I don't think it'll make the room look smaller.
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