Nurseries and Baby Gear

repaint dresser hardware?

Has anyone had any luck with repainting dresser or cabinet hardware? ?I am repainting the dresser for the nursery and would like to change the handles from brass to a silver color. ?Has anyone had any luck with this in the past? ?Does the spray paint that they sell for metal work well for this?
Baby Boy born still on March 10, 2008 at 21 wks 2 days : ( Finley Alyse born October 11, 2009 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Declan Jonathan born October 16, 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: repaint dresser hardware?

  • My husband just painted ours, and it turned out really well. It was "Rustoleum Professional High Performance Enamel" and the color was stainless steel. I was a little skeptical when he first said he wanted to do it, but they turned out great. I was really happy w/how they looked!

    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Great to hear, that is the brand that I was planning on getting! ?Did he do any special prep? ?I am reading that they should be soaked & washed & sanded etc before any of this needed?
    Baby Boy born still on March 10, 2008 at 21 wks 2 days : ( Finley Alyse born October 11, 2009 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Declan Jonathan born October 16, 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I have not done it, but have seen it done on TV with the faux hammered silver spray paint (I think Rustoleum or Krylon makes it....I've seen it at HD) and it looked great. 
  • i have done this with Rustoleum and did no prep work except cleaning with a cloth!  super simple and fun project :)

  • I know that he sanded them, but I don't think he washed them beforehand. He just wiped the dust off when he finished sanding. Good luck!
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
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