Well it's been a day since my follow up RE appt. and I've been trying to get my arms around how I feel about the turn of events.
DH's second SA was fabulous and my hormone levels are great. After he gave us the results he started preparing us for the next step being the HSG. I knew that he also planned on performing an exam and some quality time with the dildo cam. The ultrasound revealed what he thinks is a blocked tube. His prelim. diagnosis is hydrosalpinx...basically a water filled cyst that is blocking my right tube. The fallopian tube should be a delicate thin tube and mine looks like a sausage. This is where it gets a little embarrasing, but it is what it is and I can't change it. Chances are that at some time in my past I probably had an undiagnosed STD that caused the infection to go up my tubes and cause the damage. I've probably been infertile since my early 20's and never knew I had one. He says that even though only the right tube is bocked there will also be damage in the left one and that the damage is more than just a blockage, the infection damages the cellular makeup of the tube and there is no way I will ever carry a pregnancy to term with my tubes attached. Apparently the fluid from the damaged tubes is rather toxic to sn embryo and leaks into the uterus making an unfavorable environment for it to live. He agreed that it is somewhat remarkable I was able to get PG last year (must be DH's super sperm), but the pregnancy was doomed from the start. He showed us a bunch of clinical pictures to explain all of this. He wants to do another ultrasound next month to be sure, but it appears that he will want to remove both of my tubes via laparoscopy which will obviously leave us with IVF as our only option. The HSG is no longer even on the table. Apparently itcan be quite dangerous under this circumstance.
Soooo....here's how I have to reframe it all.
1.) DH is a rock star.
2.) My ovaries are still rock stars...allbeit aging rock stars. I'll compare them to Steven Tyler of Aerosmith (I still think he's hot!)
3.) We are at a point in our life where financially IVF is a valid option. It would not have been back in our 20's.
4.) When we do have children I have vowed to be a walking advertisement for condom use. I never knew a female could be cooking an STD bad enough without knowin it that could cause such terrible damage...
Re: Interesting developments at RE-long...
Firstly, I super admire your attitude. I really like the way you reframed that.
I like numbers 1 though 4, but am partcularily happy for you re: #3.
I wish you all the luck in the world. When would you have the lap? Soon?
Not certain on when the lap. will be. If I had to guess I'd say some time in September. He wants to do one more ultrasound on the 25th just to make sure things look the same. Quite honestly I think he was a little caught off guard when he found it. Nothing in my medical history would have given him any reason to think that I was high risk for a tubal issue.
Thank you for sharing your story. Im sorry that you are in this situation but at least now you have answers and a plan. This could have happened to anyone and I really admire your courage - especially when you talk about about educating others about this kind of thing.
Good luck with the lap and then with the IVF. Your rock star ovaries will get a chance to shine!
Try to do something nice for yourself this weekend - this must have been a lot for you to process mentally.
I am glad you have some answers. It sounds like the rest of your parts are all in good shape, so you will be a great candidate for IVF. Good luck with everything and keep us posted.
That is a lot to process, but now you are armed with the information that will help you to get pregnant and have a healthy baby. I agree, your attitude is awesome!
Good luck to you!
I'm sorry about your tubes. But as everyone has said, you have a great attitude and that can make all the difference.
Now you have a plan & can move forward toward your BFP.
Good Luck & thanks for shaing your story!
I'm a Joe Perry girl myself!
Good luck to you on the tubes. Now you have some answers and can plan to do IVF. I'll bet a lot of girls have these issues but just don't know.
Ditto! You have a great attitude about this. Good luck with IVF!!!