Nurseries and Baby Gear

Need some help!

We are expecting baby #3 so number 2 (just turned 1) and number 3 (due in 4 months will be sharing a room - they are both girls my problem is I don't think Emma will be old enough for a bed so we will be buying another crib - I am having a hard time matching finishes - I got her crib from BRU when our son was born (he is 6) I don't remember the name of the finish but it is like a honey color - what should I do get as close as possible?  HELP!

Re: Need some help!

  • Do you remember who made the crib? If you can figure that out I bet you can find a similar finish by the same company (if not identical). Otherwise is there any piece that you can remove to take with you fairly easily? Or take a picture.
  • There is a finish at BRU that would probably be close enough. I think it's called natural or honey? You could also paint DD's white and but a white crib for the new baby.
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  • Could you use a co-sleeper for the new baby until DD makes the switch to a bed?  That might be a more economical solution if it is feasible.
  • I would get a bassinet for the new baby and use that until your older DD can move into a toddler bed. 

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • imagejkromer37:

    I would get a bassinet for the new baby and use that until your older DD can move into a toddler bed. 

    Ditto.  :)

    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
  • Thanks for all the help - I am going to try to keep our daughter in  crib until she is closer to 2 since they will be sharing a bed...  and her crib now actually changes into a toddler bed so we were just going to buy another crib!  We do have a bassinet for our new little princess that will say in our bedroom!
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