My IUGR preemie has more than doubled her weight, but I know that pedi will not allow her to begin solids at the 4 month (actual) mark. She is still under 10 lbs, and I expect that she will still be under 10 at her 4 month appointment next week.
Did your pedi have a strict weight minimum, or did he/she also consider actual/adjusted age?
(Her sister is 12 lbs and will likely begin solids before her. The pedi has already said this.)
Re: When did your pedi allow solids?
It's not that I want to start earlier - it's just that pedi has said in the past that my other (non IUGR) baby will probably start at 5 months (which will be 4 adjusted) but that the IUGR one will likely not start at that time due to her still tiny size. I didn't know if pedis use a recommended weight along with age.
(My preemies had no issues whatsoever other than the one being teeny tiny at birth.)
6 months is the new 4 months in terms of starting solids for full termers so we got the green light from the ped. and nutritionist at 6 months adjusted.
He was showing all the signs of readiness long before that but one has to remember that just because they look and act ready doesn't mean they're little digestive systems are :-)
Thanks for your perspectives, everyone.
My thinking is that the pedi wants her to fill her tummy with nutritious BM rather than "practice" solids. I'll definitely find out what's the scoop at their four month appt this week.