I've seen a lot of people are dividing each nursery wall in two and having two distinct colors (one at top, one at bottom). I really like this! I've noticed though that the white is often at the bottom and the bright color is at the top. If anyone has done the OPPOSITE (white half at top and bright color at bottom), can you please post a picture? I'd love to see what it looks like!
We have a white crib, so I'd like the contrast with the bright color on the bottom half of the wall.
Re: Paint colors in nursery - question
We didn't use white on top, but a beige color instead. Either way this should give you an idea of a dark color on bottom with a lighter color on top.
We did pink and green. I definitely think the green is darker in our room.
DD will have chocolate brown on the bottom and light aqua on top. DS has navy on the bottom and then white with light blue stripes on the top. Honestly I prefer the dark color on the bottom. I think it looks better!