I had my yearly appointment today and showed the doctor my chart from FF. I asked the doctor about timing of sex and how often, and she stated that I needed to have sex the morning and evening of ovulation and then every other day for the next seven days (DH does not have any known problems). I am completly confused because FF suggests you are most fertile the 5 days prior to ovulation and ovulation day. Also, she will not refer us to a specialist until we have been trying for a year even though I am 36 (since she said we did not have trouble TTC DS 3 years ago). Have I been having sex on the wrong days this entire time?
Re: confused about timing of sex and ovulation
first of all hello nice to meet you. i've been away from the boards so you probably dont' know me.
yes your doctors story is confusing. your doctor is right in having sex day of ovulation and i think day after but for 7 days, i dont think the egg is still there that long. i would read taking charge of your fertility.its my understanding that women are most fertile the 5 days before and day of O. go get a second opinion from another OB, agreed it can take the average couple i think up to a year to conceive, but you are over 35, and time unfortunatly is not on your side.
sorry i meant to say time is not on our side as in those of us over 35. as in we have only so many fertile years left.
sorry i hope that didnt sound rude.
Welcome to the board!
The nurse practitioner at my OB's office told me that the best time to have sex to get pregnant is any of the three days before ovulation, and the day of ovulation. She said it's super rare for sperm to survive more than 3 days waiting for the egg (it's possible, but not all that common).
I highly recommend using the CBE Digital Ovulation Predictor or Fertility Monitor. If using the ovulation predictor, be prepared to have sex the same day you get your smiley face. The fertility monitor will give you some warning before your peak day, so do it before and on your ovulation day if you can.
That's my recommendation - I'm not a doctor, but I trust the people at my OB's office, and I trust what I read in TCOYF, and I trust the reports of the ladies on this board and others who have gotten KU. So, yes, I think you've been doing it right.
IUI #1: December 2008 - BFN
IVF #1: Microdose Lupron - July 2009; only got 1 egg; BFN
IVF #2: Natural IVF - Sept 2009; BFP!; D&C Nov. 2009
IVF #3: Natural IVF - ER: Feb 4, 2010 - 1 "M2" egg retrieved; ET: Feb 9; Beta#1 (19dpo): 2567; Beta #2: 6933; BFP w/ singleton w/strong hrtbt! DS born October 2010
IVF #4: Natural IVF - ER: Nov. 20, 2011; ET: Nov. 25, 2011; BFP! Beta#1 (19dpo): 1918; Saw hrtbt on 12/28/11!